I love teaching my third grade students about Alexander Calder. They find it fascinating to learn that he invented the mobile. I love showing them the image Lobster Trap and Fishtail. It is always great to hear what they think the image is. Building off of this I create hanging stuffed fish. I use 9x12 inch drawing paper. I model how to draw a fish on the board and have them follow along. Once they have their fish drawn they decorate the fish. I have them use the window as a light table to trace the other side of their fish (make sure you have the front and back of the fish lined up for when it is stuffed). Once they are finished I staple the fish leaving the top open so they can stuff it. Once the fish is stuffed I finish stapling it. I use fish line to hang the fish up. My students were very excited to come back from vacation and see their fish hanging in the hall.
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